Monday, December 06, 2004

sicke, sicke, and very sicke

today is a sad day in the life of my dorm room aquarium.

a guppy has passed away.

i purchased 6 guppies on saturday. after i had released them into the tank i noticed that one of them was swimming a bit limp. i knew it was ill. so i began immediate tank treatment in hopes he would recover.

the next day he was looking a lot better, i thought for sure he would survive. sadly, this morning when i went to turn on their artificial lighting, i found the poor guppy face down in the substrate. every morning i always do a head count to make sure everyone is alive. i had only counted five guppies and so i began to search for the other in the plants. and there he was. i had the smallest ounce of hope that maybe he was just sleeping kind of funny. guppies are weird anyhow, right? and besides, i just got the guppies so i really don't know their behavior completely.

i was wrong. it was hard having to scoop the little guy out of the tank with my net. i thought to myself, "now what? where is carl? where is he so i can tell him the bad news and he can help me bury him outside in the arboretum?" well, he is at work right now. until noon.

i have placed the guppy in a sandwich plastic ziplock bag. currently, the guppy is lying on my bed. but eventually, he will have a proper burial. if you would like to attend this burial, please let me know. you can give me a call on my mobile or email me.


Blogger 3am wanderer said...

Hey, blog surfing and found your blog. I thought it was funny how in your profile you say you won't post anything depressing and your first line says, "today is a sad day in the life of my dorm room aquarium."

But I guess that's life (whenever we make resolutions to be optimistic about things, something inevitable happens. At least we can write about it :)

Anyway, sorry to hear about your fish.

10:31 AM  

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