Sunday, August 06, 2006


well, i got an ipod.

my sister was converting our dvd's into ipod compatible format so that she could watch them on her ipod on her three week trip cross country with implus drum and bugle corp. i thought, "hm.. that could be good for my plane ride to england." i mentioned it to my mom and she said she was going to surprise me with an ipod for my trip.

it's fun. i've been putting songs on it. i guess i could get used to it.

i got a bunch of scores in the mail for my job. i have to analyze the bach partitas. i think i am just going to do a reduction of them and just go from there. real simple. it's like form and analysis all over again. i'm meeting with the guy i'm working for on saturday of next week in pasadena. we'll have a nice chat. i'm really excited. i love talking about music. this guy does not know a lot of the 'technical' aspect but he has read up on some of the scholarly material out there so i know we'll have plenty to talk about.

i've been a bit bummed, i'll have to admit. while i am excited about my trip to england to begin my career as a postgraduate student in ethnomusicology, i am also saddened by the fact that i will be saying goodbye to my good friends. i've made some wonderful friends and some of them have only been over the last few months. i've really grown up with these people and it's sad to let go of them for so long. it is hard to have to make new friends, especially when the ones you have right now are really great.

it's an interesting experience to realize that you are changing and growing as a person. life is something!


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