Tuesday, December 07, 2004


it's a bird! it's a plane! it's jimmy stewart! uhm...no, wait.

did you know that vertigo isn't really like it is in the film vertigo? maybe you did....i didn't!

it turns out i seem to be getting these moments of vertigo. poor me. send me flowers...and money, please.

carl thinks that we should cut back on our sugar intake, but really he means that i should becuase i love to eat candy. i can't help it. it's just so scrumptious...i want to eat it all the time. yum yum! well, not all the time. i mean, i love vegetables too, and i want to eat lettuce all the time as well. and i might prefer cucumbers over a peice of gum. but i love candy! i should write a poem...an ode to candy...

it would go something like this:

oh candy, you are so beautiful
you are the fruit of life
if you were part of the sacred mass, Bach would surely have written over 100 cantatas about your holyness.
you melt in my mouth
oh sweet lucious sweets, why aren't everlasting gumdrops real?
i love you....amen.

anyhow....i'm not obssesed with candy. i swear. hopefully i'll get those pictures of the funeral tommarow and i might be going home on thursday for a little bit and i will pick up my scanner and bring it back to the university so i can scan them online. i think they probably came out quite nice.

three cheers for the end of the term! england here i come!


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