Thursday, June 23, 2005

so about liszt

well, what i was thinking about in regards to Liszt was that what I know about Liszt from class is that he seemed to use Hungarian folk songs, styles, etc in his music. But no one seems to care why this is. the reason for this is that Hungary was under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Liszt lived during the 19th century and was influenced by the new idea of 'nationalism', no doubt. but the point is that Liszt was influenced by his environment to write more nationalistic music. He believed that Hungary should be its own nation.

The more I write this, the more I wonder if this is exactly what I mean at all. I am a bit tired of typing right now. I think I've posted too many entries in one day (I am also posting on a group web log that is called 'the 10 most harmful books of the 19th and 20th century' it's a book club and we're reading these harmful books.). i'll try to give some better examples of what i mean when i answer question 2 tommarow.


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