Friday, July 08, 2005

just an aside

don't think i haven't forgotten you my ol faithful web journal. this week was the last week of classes for the first session of summer school so i've been wrapped up in revising and exams. i have an exam that i need to take online today before the midnight deadline. i still have 2 and a half chapters to read! ha! that's alright. it's open book. my strategy is this: 1) read all of the required chapters. 2) answer all of the questions i know. 3) go back and look up the answers i don't know in the book. 4) review the rest of the answers against the book. i takes me about 30 minutes to get through 100 questions and another 30 minutes to go through my answers. it seems to help, i got a 95 on the last exam.

i'm on my break here at work so i get to type a bit. i have nothing else to do but sip a 7up. personally, i didn't want a break. i was forced to take it. oh well.

i had some very positive comments relayed to me on my answer to question to and wagner. i'm not entirely done answering that question so look for a new post. i'm probably be focusing more on the 20th century in that post.

also, i wanted to take a moment to talk about yesterday's bombing. it's very sad what happened and hopefully everyone who has friends and family in the area (like i do) are ok. so far everyone i know is ok, i still have one more person to get a hold of. it was inevitable, if you know anything about the underground and if you have been in england post 9/11. most people saw it coming because it was such an easy target. but nonetheless, this is very sad. it makes think, "please just leave us alone." but how can they when our government won't leave them alone? instead of our government taking a hint, they just take it as more reason for fighting their illegal wars. it's ridiculous.

well, back to work.


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