Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Idomeno canceled in Germany

Allegedly, Idomeno's performance in a German opera house was canceled due to possible Muslim backlash. However, the scene in question (according to the article I am linking in this post) also shows the severed head of Jesus so what is the big deal?

Berlin opera canceled after religious threats

Sounds to me like the director was too proud to get rid of her own added ended to Mozart's original ending of the opera. He reason is that no religious figurehead as brought peace. It seems to me that she is really trying to make some sort of political artistic statemet by canceling her own opera over possible threats. All she has to do is take out the heads of Muhammad, Jesus, and Bhuddha (I can't believe she is beheading Bhuddha she's really ignorant) and just leave the head of Poseidon. It seems like it is just an excuse to foment more ideas of Muslims who will turn to violence over such things, amongst non-Muslims in the Western world.

In other German news, I read that some of Hitler's alledged watercolors were being auctioned off in Cornwall today and that the auction was crashed by a funny British comedian and a man dressed as Hitler offering 'six millon as the painting was a Mussolini.' In otherwords, it is likely that these amateur watercolors are in fact fake. Yeah...I really want a watercolor by Adolf Hitler hanging in my hall way. Definately good for conversation at the dinner table.


Blogger Johnny Ong said...

no tolerancy being practiced by the muslim religion though encouraged by their muezzins. disappointed by their reactions.

4:09 AM  

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