Thursday, September 28, 2006


Statue, originally uploaded by vansgirl12.

I am finally an official RHUL student. I still have to switch my temp. college card but I was too lazy to do it today. I attended the Freshers Fayre and I joined the Basketball Society so I can stay in shape! This one guy saw my camera as I was in the queue and he said I had to join the photography club. There are a lot of geeky societies on campus like Sci-Fi reinactment society.

I didn't do a lot today. After spending some time on campus I went with Hughes and his housemates to his house to see where they live. They live at least 20 minutes west of campus. Plus the 15 minutes it takes to get down to the high street and the station--they have a long walk. Their house is nice, though. They have a lot of open space. Hughes wants to barbecue so I suppose we might do that sometime next week. I told him to let me know when so I could buy some veggies at the farmers market on Tuesday (it's on campus!!!).

Today is a nice and slow day. Everyday prior has been too busy and too social for me. Yesterday Richard took the train into Egham for dinner and we stayed out quite late. Well, I got home around 11:30pm. We ate dinner at an Italian restaurant and he ordered a bottle of red wine which we finished between ourselves. I didn't realize we have finished it until I looked to see how much was left! After that we walked over to a pub called the Red Lion and chatted for a bit until his train arrived. All in all, it was a nice evening.

Tomorrow I am going to collect all of my reading material for next week's lectures. I want to be prepared! I definately do not want to give off the impression that I am some idiot American. My Music and Musicology class should be boring. Our first lecture is called "Introduction to Musicology: Writing and Presenting". Although I know it will be very helpful in the long run. Luckily our reading isn't a lot. I can't complain really, what else do I have to do at this point? Just reading!

By the way, resturants are too expensive in England. I am never buying food at a restaurant again. I am only eating in. The only outside food I will buy is fast food at Mark and Spencers. The meal between Richard and myself was literally 80 dollars. I...just...can't fathom. Well, the bottle of wine was 20 dollars. But still. It's just too expensive to eat out a lot around here. Best to just stop at the local fish and chip shop if you're hungry or else Mark and Spencers is really good for quick food and it's way cheaper.

If anyone wants to send me a care package...please include those tiny jawbreakers from the Sweet Factory. Those are good!


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