Wednesday, January 18, 2006


well, i haven't posted since november. i've been around, naturally. i think i've been spending my off-time obsessing about Arrested Development. so you'll have to forgive me. there is a 2 hour season finale on FOX on Feb. 10 @ 8pm. so watch it.

i've been getting these random comments on my blog and i think it's due to my inactivity. what has been going on in my neck of the the world of music? well, i lead the life of a university student. i'm not a professional musician. so i tend to be awfully isolated. but, university has it's drama.

i got word from UC Berkeley that they have finished reviewing my application and i will know in mid-Feb. the results. i hope they let me down easy...

still haven't heard from Royal Holloway. i hope that is not a bad sign.

haven't heard from UCLA.

haven't finished my Cambridge app. i guess i'm really not feeling Cambridge anymore. but i went thru a lot of trouble. i just haven't typed up my disseration proposal. oh well.

last friday was the opening of the new hall at CSUF. i believe our performance that morning really proves that music at the university is a shame. we premiered a work by William Craft called "Vintage Renaisannce and Beyond". this was a real crowd pleaser (sarcascm). we also played a couple of movements from a suite by susato (arranged some some other guy) and we played a work called "J'ai ete au bal". the last piece uses french cool jazz tunes and incorporates it into this modernist type work. we performed for what seemed like a venue that allowed only people over the age of 60 to listen.

rich old people music. it was disappointing, actually. i'll never understand why we perform such horrible music. the Craft work was, essentially, a re-hashed work originally written for orchestra. it's funny because CSUF commissioned the work. so, generally speaking, one would expect that a new and original work would be composed especially for the wind ensemble. however, that was not the case. it was a previously written work that seemed to be re-worked so it could be played in a wind ensemble. however, it still required a small string section. as someone in the audience said, "you know, i just didn't get that one."

the state of music really gets me down. i should have studied physics. i really think i want to get away from the orchestras and the wind ensembles. i can't handle them. whenever i am a part of the audience or the performers, i feel as though i am a part of a facade. as though my participation in these performances only help push an illusion of sophistication and culture that really does not exist. i don't know what i am going to do with myself. i hate that i've grown to despise music so much. i don't know what to do!

ho hum. tommarow night the paul bailey ensemble will be playing at mr. t's in highland park so check them out. at least i can enjoy that environment still. (no, it isn't jazz)