lessons and uni
not for me! i still have a month of summer. woop woop. yesterday my sister asked me if i would have to take math or science classes at royal holloway. i told her, "no! i did all of that already." i am very glad i don't have to take GE courses anymore. many of them were interesting, sure...but sometimes they were a pain and i wish i could have just picked any courses i wanted to take on the side instead of being forced to take certain ones. instead of making you take 51 GE units, you should be able to pick a minimum of lets say...21 units of whatever you want outside of your degree. it isn't a minor and it isn't a major, just any courses you find interesting and that might relieve a little stress from your really important classes. futhermore, you should only be allowed to take those courses for credit or no credit. that way you can enjoy them better without the stress of worrying that you might ruin your gpa. i am not saying you shouldn't try hard in those extracurricular courses, but that you should try hard but even if it is only C or B material, it won't mess you up and you'll still come out having learned something.
i had a counterpoint lesson today. it went pretty well. i love how lloyd can rip your work apart and then go back and complement what you did so you don't feel totally incompetent. basically, i left a lot of mechanical errors that i know not to make but i did anyway. anyhow, i won't do them ever ever again. however, on the upside of things, he said that i have a good handle on the melodic lines...so...at this point, he told me, i should really strive to be error free even if it weakens the melody a bit.
haven't received anything in the mail from rhul yet. i e-mailed the music department the otherday asking if i am supposed to be getting something from them soon. no response as of late but i am hopeful. my 'application status checker' tells me that something should be coming in the mail about the accommodation stuff. oy oy oy!
look forward to tonights show....just wish it was so late. yay for pbe.